Every project follows an easy-peasy process,
designed to get you your copy completely fuss-free.

Conversation icon with speech bubbles

1. Discovery call

First up, we’ll jump on a call or Skype to chat about your project. This is our chance to have a good natter, go through all the gory details, and figure out if we’re a good fit.

Copywriting on notebook with pages paperclipped

2. Proposal

After our chat, I’ll send through a proposal outlining everything we’ve talked about - including a detailed list of deliverables, deadlines, and a quote. This step’s really handy for making 100% sure we’re both on the same page, before things kick off. If you like what you see, you’ll sign a contract, and pay a 50% deposit to secure your spot on my calendar.

Copywriter hand holding a pencil with vector stars around it

3. The fun part

Once the contract’s signed off and the deposit’s been paid, it’ll be time for me to get cracking. I’ll dive into research and competitor analysis, and whip up a first draft - which I’ll ping over to you by our agreed deadline. Depending on the size and scope of the project, we might hop on the phone to talk it over, too.

Thumbs up message icon

4. Tweak time

This is your time to sit down with a cuppa and have a good read. If you’ve got any feedback, you’ll gather it together and send it my way. Up to two rounds of changes are included in the project price - so be sure to share the copy with everyone who needs to approve it, before flicking over your feedback.

Copywriter's hands holding paper

5. Ta-da!

Just like that, we’re done. We’ll settle up the bill, and your shiny new copy will land in your hot little hands. Ready to go out into the world and work its magic.